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Scientific Committee

Organizing Committee

Travel and Accommodation


Important dates

All presenting authors must register by paying the corresponding conference fees according to their status. In that case, co-authors may or may not register depending on their will to attend the conference. An abstract will be published in a Book of Abstracts only in the case when author's fee was payed in a normal dealine - 04.05.2012


One Delegate can present max 2 contributions on each conference. Third contribution per participant - additional payment - 50 EUR. second and next presentations should be posters. The Scientific commitee will take final decision about the form of presentation (lecture, communicate, poster).

Full texts

One participant can publish two papers prepared according to guidelines for authors. Participants who have any kind of difficulties to send an abstract in time are kindly asked to contact organising committee. Registration is required for all conference participants. We ask you to register through the conference website.


The abstracts should be sent by 15 March 2012.

Early-Bird Registration Deadline 15.03.2012

Normal Registration Deadline 04.05.2012

Late Registration Deadline 22.06.2012

Conference dates 27-29.06.2012

DidSci full texts submission deadline - 10.07.2012